Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I'll give you hot free layouts!!!

Here is my first list. I've checked all these sites out and I think they're all pretty useful. If you're a MySpace newbie you may not understand everything. Don't worry, I didn't at first either. If you have any questions please comment and i'll try to answer any questions you may have.

I've included links to MySpace resource sites, so it's not just free layout sites. I get asked a lot for custom MySpace graphics and MySpace tools too, so I figured i'd include some other great MySpace resources too.

Hope you like these! If you want more i'll add some. Let me know what you want and i'll post it.


MySpace Tools for Freaks Like Me - A MySpace Blog (imagine that) with current links and information about free myspace tools and graphics. Many of the MySpace links and tools are geared to finding great MySpace layouts, templates, backgrounds, and graphics to help you create a more attractive and appealing MySpace page.

123MySpace - Find many different MySpace graphics such as Myspace Bands, Animated Gifs, Comment Graphics, Glitter graphics, Banners, Contact Tables, Cursors, Backgrounds, Icons, Falling Objects, Funny Pictures and Clips, as well as MySpace Codes.

Bigoo - Over 1,200 myspace contact tables, 200+ myspace online status icon & 500 new myspace layouts, as well as their large selection of MySpace graphics and blog things in general!! thanks to all for your uploads!

CuteGlitters.Com - Grab 1000's of the cutest glitters around! This site offers you the cutest glitters around with approximately 900+ glitter graphics, for you to use on Piczo, Myspace, Friendster, Forums, your websites and anywhere!

Diamond Web Designs Myspace Graphics - A web designer's business website that offers free MySpace graphics, glitter graphics, and MySpace graphic animations.

Dolliecrave.Com - This is beyond a doll site, it consists of downloads, coded graphics, glitters, games, tutorials, dress up games and much more for MySpace Graphics.

Dress Up - A huge resource for MySpace Graphics & Layouts including the following items - free Games, Graphics, Glitters & Glittering Graphics, Codes, Myspace Layouts, Siggies (Graphics for Signatures), Cute Backgrounds, Glitter Words, Cursors, Pixel Fonts, Neopets graphics, and more.

Free Extras - A site that primarily offers free glitters, icons, and dolls for your MySpace profile.

Free Glitters - Free glitter graphics, free myspace graphics, free animated icons, free dollie glitters, free disney graphics, free sanrio graphics, free cartoon graphics, free welcome signs and more! - Provide Myspace stuff such glitter,layout,music video,nice cute icon,graphics,editor ,glowing text and samples code for your myspace website. More than 520,000 downloads per month.

GFX Codes - GFX Codes is a huge resource for grabbing MySpace codes, graphics, generators, tweaks, & Layouts

Glitter Globe - One of the largest glitter graphics resources on the web. Glitter Globe makes it easy for you to add glitter graphics to your myspace profiles.

Glitter Graphics - The most popular MySpace glitter graphics on the Internet. - Your #1 resource for myspace graphics, myspace layouts, glitter text, animated backgrounds and more.

GlitterYOURWay.Com - A great way to make customized MySpace glitter graphics with this free to use glitter graphics generator.

Graphics Mania - On Graphics Mania, you can find new MySpace backgrounds, MySpace glitter images, icons, and original animations. It is easy to add graphics and backgrounds to your MySpace profiles...find out how here.

Killer Kiwi Dot Net - A lot of great MySpace graphics including Animals Butterflies, Characters, Disney Characters, Dolls, Hearts, Kisses, Roses, Signs, Welcome Graphics, and more. They also provide free MySpace Layouts, Codes, Image Uploaders, MySpace icons, cursors, Glitter Word Generators, profile editors, counters, and more. - You can find so much for your Myspace Profile including premade templates, music codes, html comment boxes, glitter images and many more crazy features that you can add to your Myspace Backgrounds. - Copy and paste our free animations, glitter images, cartoons and other fun graphics into your Myspace pages...they're great for making your profile come to life or for leaving your friends a comment! - At, you will find a few thousand graphics to make your MySpace profile rock.There are a lot of MySpace picture categories to choose from.

MySpace Archive - A great collection of graphics for MySpace divided into a lot of great categories so it will be easy to find what you need quickly. - A great source for free MySpace layouts & templates, as well as graphics generators, graphics & images perfect for myspace and other website uses, tweaks, MySpace Codes, and more.

MySpace Graphics Dot US - One of the top MySpace Graphics Directories with free top quality, unique MySpace Graphics for profiles and comments.

MySpace Graphics Help - Site includes MySpace layouts, contact tables, animations, quizzes, Myspace graphics and more.

MySpace Graphics World - Myspace Graphics World is a great resource to find the required Myspace Graphics of your choice and needs. You can select from a wide range of myspace graphics from a great selection of categories.

Myspace Humor - A great source for free Myspace layouts, Graphics & Clipart, Backgrounds, Background Codes, Icons, Videos, Myspace comments, and much more.

MySpace Icons - At Myspace Icon, you can browse through tools, graphics, codes, & icons in order to find the right additions for your MySpace profile, such as Contact Boxes, graphics Generators, Codes, as well as cursors to add that interactive feel about your profile!

MySpace Layouts - A large selection of of MySpace Layouts, Generators, MySpace Graphics, Graphics Codes, and MySpace Backgrounds.

MySpace Picture Codes - This websites has free MySpace layouts, picture codes, graphics, icons, backgrounds, games, glitters and a lot more MySpace graphics stuff & codes.

MySpace Pranks - Your source for finding the best MySpace graphics. Some other things you will find here other than MySpace graphics are myspace backgrounds, myspace icons, myspace layouts, myspace codes, myspace contact tables, and more.

MySpace Premade Layouts - is a great free resource for finding great MySpace templates, premade layouts, ass well as contact tables and more.

MySpace Scripts - This MySpace resource site was created to give every MySpace user a website where you're able to locate all of your MySpace tools and graphics for your MySpace profile, all in one place.

My Wacko Space - Here you will find a lot of great graphics to download includng MySpace dividers, dolls, banners, contact tables, animations, backgrounds, glitter graphics, icons, logos, and more. - A great collection of free Myspace templates, pre-created profile layouts, graphics, backgrounds, MySpace codes, icons, videos, clips, and more.

Profile Players - The main focus of this site is myspace layouts, myspace backgrounds, myspace codes and myspace graphics. However, we do provide tons of other small tidbits to spice up your myspace pages too.

SpaceBoo - A site offering free MySpace templates and ayouts, Graphics for your profile, MySpace Generators, Myspace Animations, and much more.

Video Code Lab - Create a great MySpace profile that will stand up over other profiles, using great tools, including MySpace codes, myspace layouts, myspace graphics to myspace videos, myspace glitters, myspace posters & more!

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